Friday, 4 February 2011

1st Draft Article Page 1


  1. Good points :
    * I think the layout of your article is amazing! it looks like a real magazine.
    * I like how you used the title of your magazine to insert images of lightning in your text,It brightens up your page and really stands out.

    things to improve on :
    -maybe to brighten up the page more, you could put more colour in your photos, like making your rose red or have red outline.
    -you could also add more smaller images to make the page look full.

  2. I like the lay out of your page and the continuation of the color making your magazine really suit the genre well. The comments look really good on the page to break up the text and the lightning strike behind the text is very effective. However I feel your title should be a little bit bigger, other than that I am finding it hard to point out back things about this page its been well thought out.
